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Career & Technical Education (CTE)

Career & Technical Education at Wayne Carle Middle School

Wayne Carle Middle School offers many opportunities to introduce CTE pathways to students. These courses are designed to encourage exploration while offering a glimpse of what it takes to succeed in the work world through Work-Based Learning opportunities. Ralston Valley and Standley Lake, our feeder High Schools, then offer even more opportunities as a student chooses a pathway of interest to follow.

CTE Programs and Pathways

Information Technology

Manufacturing: Ceramics


Visual Arts & Design

Career & Technical Education in Jeffco

Career and Technical Education (CTE) engages students and prepares them with the skills they need for fulfilling careers in vital, in-demand, industries and occupations. All CTE programs offer academic, elective or college credit. CTE’s mission is to prepare all students for successful careers through the real-world application of core academic skills by partnering classrooms with businesses, industries and communities that positively impact the future workforce.