Outdoor Lab

Wayne Carle Middle School will be going to Outdoor Lab from Sept. 5 - Sept. 8.

Students will be going to the site based on their Eagle Time class teacher.

Mount Evans

Mr. Burdick

Ms. Brookins

Ms. Mullen

½ Ms. McManus (A - L)

Windy Peak

Mr. Raymond

Ms. Miskimon

Ms. Heier

½ Mr. McManus (M - Z)

 Check out gear on the Outdoor Lab Foundation site! Orders are due August 27th.

(Parent meeting was held on Tuesday, 8/15/23 - During Back to School Night (5:45-6:15)

Please stay tuned and check your email regularly for updates on: 

ALL 6th grade students in Jeffco are expected to participate in the week of learning at Outdoor Lab.  If that is not possible due to unusual and unique circumstances, arrangements will have to be made with the teachers, and the student is still responsible for the learning that occurs that week.  There is an alternate assignment. Students will need their Outdoor Lab journal.


Mount Evans (303) 982-5208

Windy Peak (303) 982-9494