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School Supply List

Supply List All Grades

Supply list for all student general needs for daily class success. Quantities are suggestions. Your student may need more/less based on personal use and schedule. 

Shared school wide Supplies / Information

Personal student items for success

Item Qty.

Pens: Black or blue ball-point 2

Pencils: #2-wooden (or 4 mechanical) 24

Pencils: Colored 10-12

Pencil Bag (sample green) 1

Headphones/EARBUDS (wired) NO WIRELESS 1 set


Math: 1 pkg Dry Erase Markers

Pencils #2-wooden - 24


ELA: 1 - 100 page spiral notebook

1 - two pocket folder


Science: 1 pkg Colored Pencils


Social Studies: 1 pkg lined paper

1 - two pocket folder 


Electives Information:

Art students will need: 5 small detail sized paint brushes, 1 eraser, 1 fine-point black Sharpie, 12 pencils

Choir students will need: 1 plastic 2-pocket folder

Creative Writing: 1 - 100 page spiral notebook

Other Electives: please check with these individual teachers as you attend their classes throughout the year.

Students are encouraged to determine an organizational system that best fits their learning needs. Many classes keep notebooks/spirals in given classes. 

A trapper keeper/binder is encouraged to help students organize their supplies for all classes. Chromebook, charger, pencil bag (see example), pens/pencils, planner. 

Please drop the following items off on the first day of school:

All Students: 

1 box pencils

1 bottle of hand sanitizer

2 pkg 3x5 lined index cards

2 boxes of facial tissue

1 container of disinfectant wipes
2x2-in sticky notes* 4 packs

Highlighters* 4 colors

Glue sticks* 3

1 pkg colored pencils


Backpacks will not be used during the day. Students are encouraged to use a backpack to get school items to and from school. 


Lockers will be used before school, before and after lunch and after school.